About Us

Started at 2007, Ningbo Times Aluminium Foil Technology Corp., Ltd. pays unremitting efforts in over a decade to become the trend leader in Aluminum Foil industry.At 2015, Times listed in NEEQ, 2016 entered aluminum foil industry standardization plan and named to be exclusive drafter of “Food service & household aluminum foil industry standard” by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the P.R.C.


“Times foil bring constant healthy & environmental life to families all around the world.” As the company mission, Times Dedicated to household aluminum foil, foodservice foil, airline containers, flexible packaging and other transformation of traditional industries and the expansion of new applications.     At 2017, Times expanded to new modern intelligent factory with GMP standard Dust-Free workshop which equipped most advanced production lines from Italy, intelligence warehouse system and ERP system. The implementation of 6S management, production of good quality products and establishment of strict quality control help Times won lots of well-known international certificates including ISO9001, BRC, SQP, WCA, BSCI, FDA etc.   Times believe innovation is power of developing and built its R&D center at 2010, which bring endless innovations in new molds, material deep processing, improvement for production technology, new product design and packaging solution, helped Times achieve breakthroughs in new material processing and new production technology. At 2016 Times developed new packaging solutions for G20 food container and prepared crawfish package which got patent for invention and won “China Aluminum Foil Packaging Innovation Award” at 2017.     Times built long term partnership with customers from North America, Europe, Japan, Australia South America and Asia. And airlines, supermarkets, food service and food producers.     Times put his eyes on the whole food packaging industry, marketing and R&D are our powerful driving wheels. We search for more intelligent and convenient concepts, develop more save and environmental products, lead the Industrial integrating, shape ourselves to be expert in food packaging, aim to become the impeller in the development of environmental, save and healthy food packaging. Our purpose is to be the most welcomed and respected food packaging solution provider by bring the world a beautiful and healthy life.     Stay true to the mission, keep moving to the destination. Times will keep a grateful, faithful and win-win developing concept, looking forward to build a wonderful future together with you!



  機構于201八年底遷入新新型工業化智慧人生民房,有著GMP要求水平的沒有灰塵生產方式加工,入選歐洲其他國家需要進的全自動設備的生產方式線,程序運行快些捷的智力廠庫、ERP系統化,施行6S管理和精益生產管理加工制造,成立了完整的高質量管理機制,經由了ISO9001、BRC、SQP、WCA、BSCI、FDA等以外的一項國際金認可。 多元化是中小企業持續保持經濟未來發展的本源!司的于2030年創立研究開發機構,在摸具定制和產生產生、涂料深產生產生、產生加工過程整改、商品定制和進行包裝設計防止方案格式等多方面面持續保持多元化,在新涂料、新技術,新能源應用上有諸多推動,并才能得到諸多發現專業,推動服務業經濟未來發展。司的的G20高峰會通用型鋁泊熱封餐盒和使用在小羅氏蝦進行包裝設計的鋁泊熱封盒獲評為201七年“中國大鋁泊多元化獎”。 我國的達成進行合作火伴遍布全國美洲、歐洲其他各國、韓國、歐洲、南美、中國等世界上50各個各國,與幾大飛防機構、大中型賣場、甜品服務的商和面制品機構打造了常年穩定性的達成進行合作原因。   企業的事業上局勢環顧于大部分食材類封裝的市場,企業以市面 、研發管理看作雙輪win7驅動路線,在達成合作中找到更智慧、省事的背景,于創新性中探秘更衛生營養的品牌,引領的市場工業鏈結合,打造的食材類封裝衛生專家教授,做中國現代營養、衛生、營養的食材類封裝促使者。企業僅為創作更完美好的營養居住,為最受追捧和認同的食材類封裝解決辦法方案怎么寫工作商!   牢記初衷,仍然奮勇向前。你們將保持穩定學會感恩、信用、雙贏的發展前景基本原則,憧憬與您共譜同筑快樂的前景!
Company Culture
Don't forget your heart and move on. We will maintain the development concept of gratitude, integrity and win-win, and look forward to working with you to create a better future!
Times aluminium foil, leading the new era for aluminium foil.
Corporate Vision
Times foil bring constant healthy & environmental life to families all around the world.
Corporate Mission
Pure Sincerity (Work attitude: Pragmatic & integrity; Willing to share) Pure Will (Behavior feature: Toughness, Courage to act) Pure Foresight ( Management altitude: Profound Vision, Sustainable innovation
Create enterprise for Charity, Lead to successful enterprise)
Business Concept
Company Development History
We will continue to strengthen the overall risk management capability of the company and improve the level of corporate compliance. The company will continuously optimize the operating mechanism of the board of directors, support the scientific decision-making of the board of directors, and actively perform its responsibilities to stakeholders such as shareholders, customers, employees, and society.
Social Responsibility
Strategies to promote green packaging for sustainable development

In the field of food packaging:

  Break technical difficulties, be the first to launch "aluminum foil food preservation MAP package" in domestic food preservation industry, help reduce food waste.  

Breakthrough packaging technology, personalized solution customization

Safe and clean, quality assurance

Professional sales team, 7/24 service

Fast self-production, convenient and fast

In the field of food packaging:

  Break technical difficulties, be the first to launch "aluminum foil food preservation MAP package" in domestic food preservation industry, help reduce food waste.  

Breakthrough packaging technology, personalized solution customization

Safe and clean, quality assurance

Professional sales team, 7/24 service

Fast self-production, convenient and fast

In the field of takeaway food:

  Promote the use of aluminum foil lunch boxes, reduce plastic waste, aluminum foil is recyclable green packaging can help sustainable economic development.  

"Aluminum foil lunch box" promotion is at the time

Promote "aluminum foil lunch box" to deal with "white pollution"

In the field of takeaway food:

  Promote the use of aluminum foil lunch boxes, reduce plastic waste, aluminum foil is recyclable green packaging can help sustainable economic development.  

"Aluminum foil lunch box" promotion is at the time

Promote "aluminum foil lunch box" to deal with "white pollution"

In the fild of public welfare:

  Actively participate in the industry public welfare, promote the application of aluminum foil in the domestic packaging field, and promote the development of aluminum foil recycling.  

Innovation and hard working is the spirit of Times

Times brand will go broad and longterm

Healthy and environmentally friendly, enjoy life and build a green environment together

In the fild of public welfare:

  Actively participate in the industry public welfare, promote the application of aluminum foil in the domestic packaging field, and promote the development of aluminum foil recycling.  

Innovation and hard working is the spirit of Times

Times brand will go broad and longterm

Healthy and environmentally friendly, enjoy life and build a green environment together

Contact Us

Ningbo Times Aluminum Foil Technology Corp.,ltd


Add: Taoyuan Village, Hengjie Town, Haishu Area, Ningbo City, Zhejiang, China

Tel: +86-574-87175588, 87173636

Fax: +86-574-87171897

Mail: info@times-al.com

Web: //www.times-al.com

Alibaba Web: //times-al.en.alibaba.com/




電話: +86-574-87175588, 87173636


傳真: +86-574-87171897




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